What is a township
What is a township

There is no set completion date for the website repairs at this time. The PAC web page is presently being repaired, therefore the OMA electronic training, as well as the Freedom of Information Act electronic training, are inaccessible. Notice to public body members and Open Meetings Act (OMA) designees who are required by section 1.05 of OMA (5 ILCS 120/1.05) to complete the Public Access Counselor's (PAC) electronic training curriculum: If you have any questions I encourage you to contact your township attorney Nothing has changed regarding Public Comment at Board meetings so this must still be a part of any meeting held.If public attendance is not possible, the public must be able to hear the meeting “contemporaneously”, requiring the public body to offer a telephone call in number or web link (i.e.A verbatim recording must be kept of all meetings held in this fashion.All votes held remotely shall be done by roll call vote.At least one member of the public body, chief legal counsel, or chief administrative officer must be physically present at the regular meeting place.A quorum does not need to physically be at the meeting location.

what is a township

The major part of this bill affecting local governments is revisions to the Open Meetings Act concerning remote attendance during a disaster declaration.

what is a township


Here is a link to the full bill: Senate Bill 2135 - PA 101-0640 Governor Pritzker has now signed Senate Bill 2135 into law (now Public Act 101-0640). Overview of the Association Video click here Welcome to Township Officials of Illinois

What is a township